Become a member

Become a member of the Amigos de Cerrillos Hills State Park and help us build on the years of work by the Cerrillos Hills Park Coalition, Santa Fe County Open Space and others who have dedicated time, energy and money to the enhancement and stewardship of this amazing place.

Active Members (voting)

Active members have voting privileges and must regularly participate in Amigos de Cerrillos Hills State Park events and meetings. Members may be called upon to volunteer on behalf of the park in addition to their dues. Membership dues are $30 per year and include a vehicle placard good for unlimited day use entry to the Cerrillos Hills State Park for one year.

Sponsors (non-voting)

Sponsorship levels are available at $40 for Turquoise, $100 for Silver, $200 for Gold, $500 for Platinum, $1000 for Double Platinum. Sponsorships are tax deductible.

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